Thursday, August 21, 2008

Nutrition and Health

Obesity is a major factor in many chronic and life and lifestyle threatening diseases. There is an epidemic of obesity in the United States with 2/3 of Americans classified as overweight and 1/3 of them as obese. Why is this happening?

This obesity epidemic shows the American or Western diet is not a healthy nutrition strategy. In my opinion, there is overwhelming evidence that shows an Asian, Mediterranean or Vegetarian nutrition strategy is much healthier.

My opinion is based on the results of thousands of studies reported in professional peer review publications covering Epidemiological, Migration, and Scientific Research programs with sophisticated modern technology. In the Nutrition section, I reference and discuss summaries of those data.

The Nutrition includes data and my analysis supporting the Nutrition Strategy I will use as a guide in choosing or modifying recipes in the Recipes section. In the Recipes section, I will analyze and demonstrate how to prepare healthy and delicious meals.



Obesity and Health Consequences
Preventing Obesity Related Diseases
Diet Plans
Food Pyramids and Nutrition Strategy
Nutrition and Medical Experts
Analysis, Conclusions and Resulting Nutrition Strategy

Nutrition Strategy

Nutrition Analysis .. by the numbers

in the news …


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